"Is it okay to use the rebel icon symbol if you do it obliquely, Leeway he had to come up with the various structures. Pablo Hidalgo and Leland Chee about the logo, figuring out how much Production designer Rick Heinrichs spoke with story group executives The starbird crest is itself, in turn, based on the historic symbol for the Jedi Order, seen in the "ancient books" that Rey liberates from the First Jedi Temple on Ahch-To.

Interestingly, the new Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded edition contradicts this slightly, stating that the logo is based on two elements The three-pronged symbol favoured by Saw Gererra and the Starbird graffiti tag designed by Sabine Wren. It notes that the Rebellion have recently adapted it for their own use. The Jedi on Jedha use a 'starbird' symbol that looks essentially identical to the Rebel logo. We now have canon confirmation of the origin of the Rebel Alliance symbol. One of the first attempts to dramatize the opening crawl and provide more details about the nascent Rebel Alliance came via a vintage format. It's meant to hint at the Rebel Alliance symbol that will appear in the later films." I made it one day on a whim while working on really early versions of the Ghost ship, and it's remained unchanged all the way through marketing. "I'm probably most proud of the Rebels' phoenix logo. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it.
Star wars rebellion logo vector deviantart download#
The Rebels version of the Starbird logo was designed by concept artist Chris Glen. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. (The Legends canon explanation is based on the Marek Family Crest, but the Marek Family is no longer part of canon.) Share, browse, & download dxf, svg, or other vector based designs. It is recommended to name the SVG file 'Logo Star Wars Rebellion.svg' then the template Vector version available (or Vva) does not need the new image name parameter. We can therefore speculate that the final Rebel design may be a combination of these two - evoking both the rebirth and rebellious spirit of Sabine's Starbird, and the history and hope of the Jedi Order. The visually-similar Jedi Crest obviously predates Sabine's logo, and was worn by Jedi generals on the shoulders of their armor during the Clone Wars. However, by Season 2 the show hasn't reached the point in history where the familiar crest comes into general Rebel use, but the design of Sabine's Starbird is clearly intended as an origin of the cleaner crest we know so well. Sabine later joins the similarly-named Phoenix cell lead by Commander Jun Sato, part of the fledgeling Rebel Alliance lead by Bail Organa and In Star Wars: Rebels, Mandalorian weapons expert and painter Sabine Wren uses a stylized Starbird (based on a mythological bird similar to the Phoenix, which can never die and renews itself in a nova) to tag Imperial ships and propaganda on Lothal. But it's likely based on Sabine Wren's personal Starbird graffiti tag and/or the Jedi Crest. In Disney Canon its origin is currently unconfirmed.